Register for the Webinar

Thursday, November 16th @5pm PST

Thank you for your support and trust in us & for another great quarter of investing in strong assets in strong markets!

GW Capital is positioned strongly to take advantage of the opportunities that are coming our way and we can't wait to grow with you.

We are super excited to announce our Q3 2023 Portfolio Performance Update for November 16th at 5pm PST on ZOOM, as always, our focus will be on:

- Performance of assets acquired 

- State of the Market

- Interest rates, Real estate market & more

- How GW Capital is mitigating risk to maximize upside with time for Q&A

Our ultimate goal is to help you build a recession resilient portfolio with the Highest risk adjusted returns all the while focusing on absolute transparency.

The Investment landscape has changed significantly over the past 12 months. With a rapidly changing debt market and historical inflation some may sit on the sidelines. We on the other hand are perfectly positioned to seize the opportunities that are coming our way and we can’t wait to grow with you in 2024 and beyond! 


If you have any questions please feel free to message us at [email protected]  or if would like to talk to us about how this asset would fit into your portfolio and goals, feel free to reach out to schedule a call:

Book a Call with Param